Pandemic doesn’t mean you can’t travel and enjoy new regions and its beauties. Our top priority is your safety and well being, so we provided you overall information about the conditions required to travel to Montenegro, as well as Covid safety measures in Montenegro.
You can find on our site also the links to the state institutions, who release the relevant information.
In order to prevent spreading of new virus Covid 19 the actual measures in Montenegro valid for the period from March 18 – April 01 are the following:
You can check the source of the official information on (Institute for Public Health) and (Government of Montenegro)
The actual measures and regulations are to be applied from March 13th 2021 onwards.
You can check for more information on the web site
In order our guests to be safe and stay healthy Apolotours applies all prescribed measures to control Covid 19 on the tours.
Each of our hotel / guesthouse / ethno village apply the actual measures against Covid 19
If you have any question or doubts regarding the measures or their apply on spot feel free to reach out for us.
Apolotours Team
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Apolotours doo Travel Agency Budva
Tour Operator License No: 215 since 2010
Reg.No: 5-0089152 at the Central Register of Business Entities Montenegro (CRPS)
VAT: 02242982 | ©